Narrative Diary

A narrative strategy blog

What is a strategic narrative?

Where to begin with this question… it’s hard for me not to go full nerd on all the amazing things a strategic narrative can do for your business. In short, it’s a singular idea that is easy to explain and understand. It's a company-wide strategy that lives at the core and aligns everyone around a singular goal. I like to say strategic narratives are a level up from storytelling. A story has a beginning, middle, and end. Whereas a narrative has an open ending. It can grow, expand, and evolve with your company. Stories stick, but narratives create movements and die-hard followers. Think of Burning Man, their entire narrative is around principles of self-expression, self-reliance, and community. Each year it attracts thousands of people ranging from all economic backgrounds and they’ve been going for years. That narrative is so strong in attendees they’re willing to endure a dust-filled desert for over a week.

The CEO champions this narrative and it is the center for everything you do at your company. This is where the strategy part comes in. Compared to brand stories, a narrative touches all facets of your company. It’s in sales conversations, pitches to investors, marketing, and attracting talent. Your narrative acts as a filter for decisions. For example, if your product team is between two different versions, which one is closer to the narrative? That’s your answer. Not sure about a branding option, which one is better aligned to the narrative? That’s your answer. It keeps everyone aligned around a central idea.

Ultimately, a narrative will provide alignment, differentiation, trust, and the start of a movement.

If you’re curious about creating your strategic narrative check out my free strategic narrative training video.